Assignment 2 - Enter names into an array of String. you may enter up to 100.

Keep at ct of how many you answer

Sort the names - then print them out

In the Print function you will have to add (concantenate each name on to a String)
and then print the string out all at once to the JOptionPane

// enter names into an array - sort them - print them out on JPanel

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class WindowTest {
public static input in = new input();

public static void sort(String [] ar, int ct)

 public static void print(String [] ar, int ct)

public static void main( String[] args ) throws IOException
String [] ar = new String[100];
int ct = 0;
String s = "";
String na="";
while (! na.equals("End"))
  {System.out.println("Enter a name or End");
  na = in.getString();
  if (! na.equals("End"))
   {ar[ct] = na;
   System.exit( 0 );