Write a class that can be used as a "queue". A queue is basically just a line where you 
exit from the front and enter at the end. We are going to have a queue of strings. 
Use an array to hold the names. At most there canl be 100 names in your array.

Your queue should have the following member functions:

public void enqueue(String n); // puts string in line

public String dequeue(); // deletes first person in line and returns them

public void clear();  // removes everyone from line

public boolean isEmpty();  // returns if queue is empty or not

public boolean isFull();  // returns if queue is full or not

public void printQueue();  // prints queue - for debugging only

After you get your class compiling corectly test it with a menu driven main program.

For extra credit use a circular queue where you use integers to hold the front and the
 back. Front and back should both be -1 when the queue is empty. Ex. Add a person, font =
 0, back = 0. Add another back = 1 (latest person in a[1]. add a person. back = 2 (latest person in a[2]). 
Delete a person. front becomes 1 and return person in a[0]. Hard part is 
when you get to 99 you must go to 0 next, not 100. This method avoids shifting of elements.