class record { public record(String n,int nu,double p) // constructor {na= n; numberInStock = nu; price = p; } // the record class - save as separate File private String na; private int numberInStock; private double price; public String getName() { } public int getStock() {} public double getPrice() { } public boolean sellSome(int n){} public boolean addSomeToStock(int n){} public void changePrice(double d){} } ************************************************** class recordStore { private ArrayList<record> ar = new ArrayList<record>(): public void printStock() // prints name and quantities of records { } public boolean addOne(String n,int nu, double p) { // adds a record if room otherwise returns false } public boolean deleteRecord(String n) { // removes a record from store if there - otherwise returns false } public boolean sellOne(String n) { // sells 1 record if name is there and there is one in stock } public boolean addToStock(String n, int nu) { // if name is there adds nu records to stock } public boolean changePrice(String n, double pr) { // changes price to pr if record is there } }