Create a class that uses a TreeMap to hold names mapped to phones numbers.
public void add(String n,String p)
public void print() // use iterator
public void print2() // use for-each loop
public void printNamesInReverseOrder() // you can use a local stack
public void printNamesAndPhone()
public void printOnlyPhone()
Public void printName(String phone) // print the name given the phone #
Create a class that uses a TreeMap to hold names mapped to an int array of grades.
public void add(String na, int[] ar)
public void printAvg(String na)
public void printAll(); // print all names and averages
public String valedictorian() // returns student with highest average
public removeFailures() // remove students from tree whose avg is under 60
Write a class that will read words from a text file and then counts the occurrences of words in the file. It will then print out the words that are in the file more than 3 times.
Extend the Tree map class (TreeMap2) so that it has a printKeys() method that will print out all the keys.
Add a method printValues() to the TreeMap2 class that will print out all the Values in the TreeMap.
Add a method printAll() to the TreeMap2 class that will print out all the Keys and the Values in the TreeMap.