Body Tags
Will set the background to red <Body bgcolor ="red" >
Will set the background to a picture <Body background = "dog.jpg">
Have a border around your body <body style = "border-width : 5pt; border-color : red; border-style : inset">
Will set the top margin to 20 pixels and the left margin to 20 pixels.
We can also set margin-right and margin-bottom
<Body style = "margin-top : 20; margin-left : 30" >
Will only show background picture once <Body background ="dog.jpg"
style = "background-repeat : no-repeat" >
Will repeat background picture going across <Body background ="dog.jpg"
style = "background-repeat : repeat-x" >
Will only show background picture going down <Body background ="dog.jpg" style = "background-repeat : repeat-y" >
Will show the picture only once on the left half way down
For the first message we can use left, center or right
For second message we can use top, center or bottom
<Body background ="dog.jpg" style = "background-repeat :
no-repeat ;background-position : left center" >