  Jack Nilan         Flash Tutorial        EMail : jacknilan@yahoo.com
Moving a Picture Across Your Screen
File - Open a Picture
Double click on it to select it
Insert - Convert to Symbol
Enter Name and click OK
Choose Window > Library
- Drag Symbol to Window Area
Right Mouse Click on it and Scale and Rotate if you want to
Inset Keyframe on different places in the Timeline. There are two types of frame along the timeline, ordinary frames and keyframes. Keyframes are places where things change, line the position, size or colour of an object on the stage. Or they might be where the stage content changes to completely new content, for that, you need a blank keyframe.
To insert any kind of frame, right mouse button click on the frame position where you want to insert some type of frame. In the menu which opens, choose the type of frame to insert.
Then change the picture on the other side of those markers.
Control - Test Movie