Lists | ![]() |
Will create a bulleted unordered list that looks like this :
<ul> <li> Joe <li> Tom <li> Pete </ul> |
Will create a bulleted unordered list that looks like this :
<ul> <li> Joe <li> Tom <li> Pete </ul> |
Will create an ordered list that looks like this :
<ol> <li> Joe <li> Tom <li> Pete </ol> |
We can also have disc, circle or square come out in Unordered Lists that looks like this :
<ul style="list-style-type='square'"> <li>Item 1. <li> Item 2. <li>Item 3. <li >Item 4. <li>Item 5. <li>Item 6. </ul> |
For ordered lists we can also set a type and a start
that looks like this :
<ol type = I start =3> <li> Mary <li> Tom <li> Sue </ol> |
Ordered lists with Type i lower case Roman Numerals that looks like this :
<ol type = i> <li> Mary <li> Tom <li> Sue </ol> |
Ordered lists with Type a lower case alphabet that looks like this :
<ol type = a> <li> Mary <li> Tom <li> Sue </ol> |
Ordered lists with Type A upper case alphabet that looks like this :
<ol type = A> <li> Mary <li> Tom <li> Sue </ol> |
Nesting Lists Looks like this:
<ol type = A> <li> Beatles <ul> <li> Abbey Road <li> Revolver <li> Rubber Soul <li> Sgt. Pepper </ul> <li> Stones <ul> <li> Exile on Main Street <li> Let It Bleed </ul> </ol> |
Using Style Commands
<ul style = "font-size : 20; font-family : 'Monotype Corsiva'; line-height:25pt"> <li> Mary <li> Tom <li> Sue </ol> |