Lesson 9 - Click on a Button - Switch Picture
This code segment shows you how you can click on a button and have the picture on the page change to the next picture. It will wrap around when it gets to the end and start over with the first picture.
Lesson 10 (a) - Intro to Quizzes continued
This a easy quiz program with pop up boxes telling you if your selection is right or wrong. It is the same as the one above except this one will tell you what the right answer was.
Lesson 12 - Creating another JavaScript Quiz
This is a pretty complex JavaScript quiz that keeps score. When you are done selecting the radio buttons on the multiple choice quiz you can click a button to grade your quiz.
Lesson 13 - Changing a picture as you Mouse Over
This will show you how to change a picture on the screen as you mouse over text. It is particularly good for having a menu that you can mouse over the choices and have a picture showing the different menu options.
Lesson 24 - Changing Text with OnMouseOver
In this lesson we will view a page that lets you mouse over a section of the map and puts text into a text box. When you mouse out of the section the box will become blank.
Lesson 26 - A Self Closing Pop up Window
In this lesson we will see how a pop up window is opened three seconds after the page is loaded and then closes on its own 5 seconds later (if popups are allowed on your site).