  Jack Nilan            EMail : jacknilan@yahoo.com
Syllabus - Web Page Design - MP 3
Day 0 - Using an RSS Feed
Create a page that will display a RSS feed on your page. An RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is information that changes frequently. You can, for example, subscribe to a blog you like to read, to American History News or to newspaper articles. If you go to NyTimes.com and look at the bottom of the page you will see the symbol for an RSS feed ( ). Click on it. You will then see hundreds of RSS feeds thay you can subscribe to just from the New York Times itself. To subscribe to the blog, click on the RSS symbol - it should bring you to a page withh a new URL at the top of the screen (it could end in RSS but it might not - the NY Times RSS pages look like ->
Copy that URL - go to a converter page that will convert that RSS feed to Javascript. One converter is at http://rss.bloople.net/.
Enter the URL of the feed into the box on the converter page. The click the preview botton. If the RSS feed information shows up then Click the Generate JavaScript Button. Copy that Javascript code and put it on a web page. When you go to the HTML web page the feeds from that RSS site should show up. You can put more than one RSS feed on your web page.
Days 1 - 2 - Programming with Style
Click Here to go to HTML Tutor learn how to use inline style sheets. You should experiment with style in headings, paragraphs and body. You should be able to change font type, size, weight, and color and line heights, letter spacing and text indenting. Experiment with previous pages you have written. Make sure you take notes on style sheet rules and place in your notebook. (don't forget, students with best notes get best grades!)
Days 3 - 4 - Programming with Style Part 2
Click Here to learn how to use external style sheets. You should experiment with style in headings, paragraphs and body. You should be able to change font type, size, weight, and color and line heights, letter spacing and text indenting. You should be able to write and use your own class. Experiment with previous pages you have written. Make use you create at least 3 different external style sheet files. Apply all three to your Book Report Project and see the differences. Note - You must use the external sheet for each web page, not just the index. Make sure you take notes on external style sheet rules and place in your notebook.
Days 5 - 7 - Using Online Tools
We are going to go to proprofs.com and create a Quiz, a Poll and Flash cards. All three should be real. You will be graded on the quality of your content. Embed the objects in your own web pages. Use one HTML page for each one. For the Quiz and the Flashcards have at least 15 questions (although you can have more).
Days 8-11 - Introduction to Forms
Click Here and take notes on using forms. Then experiment with forms on a web page. You should use Text Input, Check Boxes, Radio Buttons, Pull Down Menus, Scrollboxes and Text Area Boxes. You should have at least 1 type of each of the above working on your web page. You must also have a send and a reset button on form (although send will not work). Make sure you have notes and printout of code. Link your page with the forms you have created (now just copied) to your main page.
Days 11 - 13 - Foreign Language Project
Pick a project about a foreign language. You should have at least 4 pages, one of which should be a quiz. You should use some Java Script and some CSS skills that you have used. You can decide what pages you want to include. You should have a JavaScript Quiz as one of the pages. Click Here. Copy and paste the code. This quiz stores your questions and answers in an array then displays them one at time. This quiz will keep score for you. You should decorate the page (starting with the body).
Days 13 - 18 - Introduction to Perl
Click Here for information of setting up and using Perl (Tentative)
Setting up Perl
Creating an HTML program with Perl
Processing simple forms with Perl
Creating a password protected page with Perl
Write an HTML form that will let you select a choice of drink (NAME = 'drink'), a choice of food (NAME = 'food') and a choice of desert (NAME = 'desert'). There should be 3 values for each (ex. Coke, Pepsi, Orange). You can take a look Here to see how one value gets sent over. You Perl Page should receive 3 values and then print them out on a page. You should decorate the page.
Days 13 - 21 - Introduction to PHP
Click Here for information of setting up and using PHP (Tentative)
Setting up PHP
Creating an HTML program with PHP
Processing simple forms with PHP
Creating a password protected page with PHP
Write an HTML form that will let you select a choice of drink (NAME = 'drink'), a choice of food (NAME = 'food') and a choice of desert (NAME = 'desert'). There shouuld be 3 values for each (ex. Coke, Pepsi, Orange). You can take a look Here to see how one value gets sent over. You PHP Page should receive 3 values and then print them out on a page. You should decorate the page.
- Dynamically updating an HTML page with PHP
- Creating a blog with PHP
Days 21 - 22 Create online animation
Days 23 - 26 - The President's Project
Pick a President to do a web project on
You should use an external style sheet
You should have a biography page, an embedded quiz about the president you choose (proprofs.com - at least 10 questions)
flash cards about facts of this president (at leat 10 cards)
- a pictures page (with a table - click on and go to blow up picture)
- a page about an important event that took place during this presidency.
- Make sure all embedded proprofs programs are on HTML pages that look good
Days 26 - 28 - The Artist's Project
Pick an artist to do a web page about, different than the one you did on the earlier project. Do a biography page for him / her.
You should use an external style sheet
You should use Javascript to flash between at least 5 of his/her paintings (pictures should all be sized to about the same size in Photoshop). Click here to see Javascript lesson on flipping pictures.
You should have a table of his/her pictures (at least 4 x 4) that when you click on a picture will go to another page where there is a full page picture
You should have a Javascript or HTML multiple choice quiz - at least 10 questions - (not proProfs - use either Javascript or HTML)
Day 28 - Making Signs
go to www.says-it.com and create a Coat of Arms for your family. You can select from hundreds of pictures to put in. If you want you can leave the picture area blank and fill it in on PhotoShop with a picture of your choosing.
Choose two other signs and create them. Put them all on the same page and then link to it from your projects page (don't put anything crazy on signs please).
Days 29 - 36 The Big Movie Project
Pick a movie that you like and create a web page about it. This project counts as two test.
Create a new web site for this project using the name of your movie (or as close as you can get to your movie name as the web site title. You cans use webs or tripod)
Describe the plot
Give a review
Have a page of flashing pictures using JavaScript
Have a page about the main actors with pictures and a brief biography of each
If possible embed a youtube video on a page
You may add any other pages that you want
Your goal is to have the best site on the Internet about your movie.